Student Network Use Introduction
The following are "highlights" from the polices. Please see the policies themselves for more information.
A / B. Access to School Computers, Networks and Internet Services / Acceptable Use
4. Students in grades 6-12 may have access to the network either through an individual account or a classroom account managed by school personnel.
C. Prohibited Use
All users are prohibited from knowingly using Frederick County Public School computing resources in such a way that does not promote the educational or instructional program or administrative operations of FCPS. General examples of prohibited uses which are expressly prohibited include, but are not limited to, the following:
1. Users are responsible for all activities in or from their account. To safeguard accounts, passwords may not be shared, logged-in workstations are not to be left unattended, and access may not be provided to another person by the account owner.
3. Any use that is illegal or in violation of school board policies and regulations, including harassing, discriminatory or threatening communications and behavior; violations of copyright laws, etc. is prohibited.
4. Any student access or attempt to access the following is prohibited during the instructional day unless it is school approved or teacher-supervised filtered Internet communication: instant messages, chat rooms, forums, e.mail, message boards, or hosted web pages.
7. Use of the FCPS network to impersonate other individuals in electronic communication, such as forging electronic mail, is prohibited.
8. Any attempt to circumvent security safeguards, guess passwords, or in any way gain unauthorized access to any system or files is prohibited.
9. FCPS wiring, computer hardware, and software may not be tampered with or modified.
12. Students are to report unacceptable use to a supervising adult at the school.
14. Any misuse or damage to the school division’s computer equipment is prohibited.
16. Any intentional attempt to access unauthorized sites is prohibited.
D. No Expectation of Privacy
Network users have no expectation of privacy in their use of school computers, including
e-mail messages and stored files.
A Personal Drive, or P drive will be assigned to students at the first login. This will be private to the student in that other students will not be able to view the contents, but teachers will still be able to view, but not alter files.
E. Internet Access-Proxy Server
Students and staff should be aware that all web access is logged by the server and that these logs may be reviewed by the system administrators periodically.
H. Compensation for Unauthorized Losses, Costs, and/or Damages
Students shall be responsible for any losses, costs or damages incurred by the school division related to violations of policy 323R (Computer Network and Internet Use) and/or these rules.
J / K. Consequences for Violations / Disciplinary Procedures
Misuse of FCPS computing resources or a violation of these regulations may result in the account or the user’s access privilege being denied, revoked, or suspended. Misuse may also subject the user to disciplinary action up to and including oral or written reprimand, suspension, as well as potential civil or criminal liability and prosecution.
- The first offense shall result in a conference with a school administrator. Additional discipline may be assigned.
- The second offense may result in a suspension. A referral may also be made to the superintendent or designee for further action.
- Additional offenses may result in a referral to the superintendent or designee for further action.